We are revenue cycle and automation experts dedicated to unlocking the power of people through community.

Our Team

Our Story

Tarpon's CEO Ben Reigle hosts RCM Leaders Forum, a twice annual conference for revenue cycle leaders. In 2022, 30+ VPs of revenue cycle at the conference commiserated over being tasked to do more with less: less resources, less budget, less time. The number one thing they agreed would move the needle was automation. They also acknowledged automation was required to maintain the status quo in an environment where payers are tripling down on automation.

However, the VPs didn't know where to start and some had been burned by vendors. They agreed that learning from others would help them eliminate manual errors, get to work they didn't currently have resources to work today, and enable them to be more mindful about where to put high dollar resources (the biggest spend in the revenue cycle).

Ben thought about this and how he could help his friends and hence Tarpon was born. Ben's experience in community building with his Forum, his podcasts, and prior revenue cycle operations roles enabled him to launch a membership group that could focus on helping provider organizations launch their internal automation programs and do it faster and more efficiently.